
Couples Share Their "Anyway, We're Married Now" Stories

Give yourself a dose of the warm fuzzies!

I actually have one of my own! I notoriously HATE talking on the phone and would honestly rather text than call someone. I met this girl on a dating site and she *insisted* we speak on the phone first so she can feel me out a little. I tried to avoid it but she was beautiful and sweet and the request was simple enough that I said "f**k it" and called her up. I was answered by the most gorgeously soothing, melodic voice on the other end of the phone. Talking to her - a stranger at the time - was SO easy, even easier than phone conversations with longtime friends or family.

Then we went on a date and had the best time, but when I called her after to plan another one, she gave me the runaround. I saw her at a show a few weeks later, went out after, had a great time, another runaround after. This went on for about 4 months of random dates/running into each other and having undeniable chemistry only to have her shy away after each encounter. I thought I was going crazy and just really bad at recognizing chemistry, but then I met her mom, who immediately liked me and yelled at her to date me. Been married 6 years now.
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